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Our aim. Vision. Mission. And inquisition. Is to re-inoculate withered souls from a perception of mediocrity that we have bestowed upon ourselves in an age so heavily concentrated with social class judgement.
We understand the pronounced disparity that does exist between our country’s robust architectural infrastucture and measley Social fluidity per capita.
Be it an Asian or Singaporean attribute, our velocity of socialisation could definitely see appreciation.
It is this very trait that has instilled in us the grave discipline to wake up religiously every morning, at 11.37 am and devote some fraction of our time between tea and dinner to brainstorming on concepts and ideas that could perhaps radically inspire people towards a rampant mode of public parlay.
With perseverance, intuition, and sufficient MSNBC research, we find ourselves at a crossroad, communciating with you, the reader.
Here to convince you that we think we know what we’re doing and have formulated concepts worthy of your attention.
That is, concepts that could seriously enhance Social lubrication.
Our solutions comprise of the Ethereal sounds. Poignant scents , an ever-evolving charisma. And a fuck load of hummus.

Regardless of race, language, or E-Z link card balance, HABOUJI shall act, operate and re-invigorate the fabric of society in solidarity with all Vegans, ex-wives and LTA officers.
We humbly look forward to part-taking in this movement with you
As the old saying goes.
Too much of St Ives apricot scrub never killed anyone.

Ibby & Vinny


“HABOUJI is a hummus infused partnership dedicated towards re-injecting sporadic doses of stimulation into the local social stratosphere.”
